Decent Neighbourhoods

We’re committed to improving our estates and neighbourhoods to create homes and places where people want to live. Our Decent Neighbourhoods programme invests in our estates to make them more pleasant for residents, as well as to contribute towards tackling other key priorities such as anti-social behaviour (ASB) and a lack of car parking. Decent Neighbourhoods also aims to create more sustainable environments, and contribute towards increased biodiversity.

The Decent Neighbourhoods Programme delivers:

  • Better security
  • Greater tenant satisfaction
  • A reduction in the cost of future maintenance
  • Tackling ward priorities and addressing concerns about issues such as anti-social behaviour and parking
  • Encouraging residents to take pride and ownership in the area where they live
  • Blending new builds with improvements to older properties

All this is in addition to improving the visual appeal of our estates and creating environments which we – along with our tenants - can be proud to manage.