It’s a benefit for those in and out of work. To be eligible you must:
- be between 18-65 years old
- have less than £16,000 savings
- not be in full time education or training
It replaces the six benefits listed below - combining them into one monthly payment:
- Income related Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income Support
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credits
- Housing Benefits
Anyone can make a new claim for Universal Credit. However, if you’re on one of the benefits listed above already you won’t have to, unless your circumstances have changed enough that you need to make a new claim for one of these benefits.
If you’re already claiming one of these benefits and your circumstances don’t change, the Department of Work and Pensions will invite you to apply for Universal Credit before the end of 2024. It’s really important that you respond to this letter within one month of receiving it or your benefits will stop and you could lose out.