Work experience

A work experience placement is a voluntary placement in a working environment, usually lasting one or two weeks. It’s a fantastic opportunity to see what the world of work is like, and to gain experience that will help you up onto the career ladder.

It will provide you with some basic employment skills, such as timekeeping, communication, team-work and planning.

Who can apply?

Work experience is a great opportunity for anyone who is looking to change career, move on into employment or for students considering their next steps after education. As long as you live within the Nottingham City boundary and are between the ages of 14 and 65 you can apply.

Please submit your details by clicking on the button below - you will be asked to complete a form giving us some brief information about what sort of work experience you are interested in and why.

Once you have submitted your expression of interest for a work experience placement, someone from the Employability team will make contact with you as soon as possible to discuss next steps.

If you have any questions, please call the Employability Team on 0115 746 9100 or email