Employee benefits

Salary and development
We are committed to equal pay for work of equal value. All roles are given a specific grade that corresponds to a clear pay structure. These benefit from annual salary reviews.

Employees can expect regular 1-2-1s and appraisals, development plans and a supportive management team.

Progression within the organisation is actively encouraged, and we regularly offer secondments to up-skill people both personally and professionally.

Our employees have access to the nationally agreed Local Government Pension Scheme. Employees contribute between 5.5% and 12.5%, dependent on annual salary, and every three years an independent review is undertaken to calculate how much we as an employer should contribute to the scheme - this currently sits at 16%!

Employees who are in the pension scheme are also entitled to a 'Death in Service' grant. This could entitle family members to up to three times an employee's pensionable salary if they were to pass away while in service with us- looking after employees and their families is high on our priority list.

Up to 40 days' annual leave per year
We know that sometimes it can be difficult to balance all the pressures of everyday life, be it a hectic home life, children to think about, or simply not enough hours in the day. Our employees get a minimum of 25 days annual leave each year (pro rata for part-time employees) plus bank holidays, but annual leave entitlement increases in line with length of service as well as in line with the level of role within the organisation.

And it doesn't stop there! Employees can also buy additional annual leave to top up holidays.

Leisure days
Need a day off at short notice? Not a problem! We appreciate that sometimes there are times when having to book annual leave weeks in advance won't work, whether it be help with childcare issues, emergencies or for when someone just really needs a day off at the last minute - employees can book up to two days' annual leave at short notice.

Your health and wellbeing
We want to help colleagues to live the life they want by getting and staying fit and healthy. You can opt in to a Westfield Health cash plan which can help to cover the costs on dental, optical and new medical conditions not only for yourself, but your family as well. There are several levels of membership starting from as little as 63p per day!

We know that sometimes things can get a bit too much for all of us, and sometimes all that's needed is someone to listen - which is why we have a free, confidential and impartial advice service for both work and personal / home life issues. As part of this service, employees may also be entitled to up to six counselling sessions with a helpline that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

We offer frequent  events to support your health and wellbeing, including advice and support on healthy eating, exercise and mental health.

Flexible working
We are proud of our flexible working policy and encourage employees to work flexibly in order to ensure the best use of time for both the business and to encourage a healthy work-life balance for our staff.

We will pay the upfront costs for annual travel passes so that our employees can make smaller monthly payments but benefit from the annual cost savings.

We'll pay for Robin Hood, NCT Buses, Trent Barton, Tram2Work  passes, and will then make monthly salary deductions, meaning employees can avoid having to pay hefty upfront costs for annual passes

Cycle to work
Employees can hire a bike through our Cycle2Work scheme and save on new bike equipment. You'll need to use your bike to at least cycle part of your journey to work - as well as being able to use it in your own free time! 

Lifestyle benefits
We offer a wide variety of lifestyle benefits including discounts at gyms, restaurants, on cinema tickets, holiday bookings, DIY, supermarkets, reloadable cards, high street and online shopping vouchers and much more!

Equality, diversity and inclusion
Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion is not driven only by legal compliance. It is about inspiring people and building strong communities. To be strong, our communities and workplaces need to be inclusive. The differences that make each of us unique are to be valued and celebrated

Equality and Inclusion is part of our everyday decision making. We also carry out equality impact assessments across all our services to make sure that they reflect the needs of our staff and customers.

We aim to make our buildings as accessible as possible, and many of our sites also have multi-faith/reflection rooms.

All benefits are subject to individual circumstances and eligibility criteria.