ASB Awareness Week

Published: Wednesday, 12 July 2023

It's ASB Awareness Week from 3 to 9 July.

We want all our residents to feel safe where they live. That’s why, each year, we support ASB Awareness Week – to help raise awareness of anti-social behaviour, the impact it can have on the lives of those who are affected by it, how we can support residents who are suffering and how we will deal with those who are committing acts of ASB. 
This year’s theme is ‘Know your rights’ – with a particular focus on the ASB Case Review (often referred to as Community Trigger). We’ll be using the week to raise awareness of this to our residents, colleagues and partner organisations – as well as promoting our recently launched ASB reporting app – the quickest and best way of letting us know if you have an ASB concern, as well as information about issues of ASB that we see an increase in over the summer months. 

To find out more about ASB Awareness Week click here: ASB Awareness Week website 

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ASB Case Review 

If you are experiencing ASB, it’s really important that you report it to us – so we can sort it. The best way of doing that is by downloading and using our new reporting app. Find out more here: ASB ReMOTE Reporting App 

We’ll always treat any reports of ASB seriously, investigate thoroughly and take the strongest possible action. You can find out more here: How we deal with ASB 

We work closely with a range of partner organisations including the police and Community Protection to get the best possible outcomes and to support victims. 

We know that sometimes, for a range of reasons, a victim may continue to suffer persistent and complex issues of ASB in spite of the fact that they have reported it.  
For those rare occasions, where a single case of ASB has been reported three times or more within a six month period, a victim – or a person acting on their behalf, has the right to request an ASB Case Review (Community Trigger).  

If the threshold for a review is met, all the agencies that have been involved come together to review the case, share information and decide on what further action they can take to support the victim and deal with the complaint.  

The victim or a representative will be invited to be part of this and will be informed about the outcome of the review – what the next step of actions will be and the timescale for completing these. 

More information about ASB Case Reviews and how to request one can be found on Nottingham City Council’s website by clicking here: Community Trigger