Emergency First Aid

Providing basic medical emergency care and treatment, through first aid, can increase a patient’s comfort, prevent a medical situation getting worse and even help to save lives by minimising the consequences of more serious injury or illness until medical health assistance is available. 

Our friends at Notts Save a Life have brought together a series of short films showing you the steps to follow in a variety of common, first aid situations including best practice during the coronavirus pandemic.

Episode 1: Dealing with a breathing, unconscious casualty

Episode 2: Dealing with an unconscious casualty who is not breathing

Episode 3: Dealing with a suspected stroke

Episode 4: Dealing with a choking casualty

Episode 5: Dealing with an unconscious, breathing infant

Episode 6: Dealing with an unconscious, non-breathing infant

Episode 7: Burns and scalds

Episode 8: Dealing with a suspected heart attack

Episode 9: Dealing with an asthma attack

Episode 10: Dealing with a bleeding casualty